
Saabira’s Adventure into Abstraction is filled with bright colours and playful designs. So much to see!

taking a line for a walk

“…My foray into Abstraction began in mid 2019. Since then, I have taken inspiration from the beautiful and minimalist designs of Modernist Architecture. I love the unknown of this way of working. I begin with an idea and watch it unfold upon my page. There is so much beauty in the simple. You just have to go looking for it…”


Jilty Jolt

A3 Digital Drawing. Cc 2019


Twirlin’ Whirlin’

A3 Digital Drawing. Cc 2019


Modernist Panel I

A2 Digital Drawing. Cc 2020


Modernist Panel II

A2 Digital Drawing. Cc 2020


Modernist Panel III

A2 Digital Drawing. Cc 2020